Episodes: I,II,III,IV,V,VI
Now that there is a new Star Wars movie blooming somewhere
in the horizon, it occurred to me: “Hey, I have never watched Star Wars. Let’s
do that!”
So that’s what I did…One movie after the other. I had a good
trainer though, by whom I was instructed to watch the old trilogy first, which
are the epsidoes IV, V and VI; only then was I cautiously permitted to commence
to I,II,III; which I did.
Before that my knowledge of Star Wars movies, was restricted
to the first episode I had seen in the cinema but did not pay attention because
of a boyfriend factor and the glimpses of Master Yoda, I appeared to catch every
time there was Star Wars airing on tv channels, whom I used to call “The Green
I was so sure that after having watched Star Wars I was
going to trash it here!
Funny…as it turns out, after all the blood and gore and sex
I, inevitably, keep watching in contemporary works and series, the naivety of
Star Wars was like a breath of fresh air. Everything in it is so naïve that it
makes it almost childish. It was a nice change of pace to be able to watch a "grown up movie"
with my 4 year old son and then have light-saber fights with each other (Of
course he is Luke and I am Princess Leia). It was nice to watch the Return of
the Quest Romance for a change! Lately
there is a new fashion of making everything grey, “no good guys and no bad
guys!” since it is claimed that life isn’t like that. Excuse me but I can point
out some villains of the history and even some villains of our times that can
make Lord Sidius and Darth Vader wear their shoes reversed! If one claims that
there are no villains in real life then I suggest one reads more newspapers and
history books.It is true that in real life the villain doesnt always lose and sometimes the bad guy wins. Well this is where fantasy comes to rescue offering you a nice warm corner called escapism. After all...this is not supposed to be real life and real world...

This is fantasy, this is the genre of quest romance with futuristic, sci-fi elements, and if
you think the plots are cheesy and action guided, and you don’t like the fight
between the good and the evil then you are absolutely free not to watch it. Throwing a bunch of dragons and magic into blatant sensationalism does not a fantasy
make. And in this supposedly sci-fi work I have found more fantasy fiction then
I could have imagined.
Finally in concluding this post I will adhere to the
tradition of Star Wars and liST the movies I found enjoyable from best to
-Episode III
I think in this latest production, the world of Star Wars
had really matured in both movie direction and plot. I simply loved one
specific scene with the impending mask on Anakin’s face. Ewan McGregor had
excelled in the role of Obi-Wan. The biggest technical fail in my opinion was
the computer generated storm troopers.
-Episode V

- Episode IV
Considering that it was filmed back in 1977 I find it
completely inspired. I am going to choose to excuse the pitiful sword fight (if
you can call it that) taking place between Vader and Obi-Wan.
-Episode II
Apart from the seriously lame scene with Padme and Anakin
rolling on the grass I find the overall quality of the movie well enough.
-Episode VI
The worst spot was harder to choose than the best. I find
both the sixth episode and the first equally good and bad. First I went for the
sixth because of the koala bears and then I remembered that the first episode
had the mutant giraffe Jar jar.The sixth offered closure but the first offered
the Sith. So I went for the older movie for the fifth spot because of its age
and placed episode one in the sixth place of my list. There we go:
-Episode I
In my opinion it had very little to offer and they were all
Liam Neeson.
So I think, that is all there is to say about Star Wars for
me. Would I watch them again? Well I guess I would…every three years, in case the
Empire wins. I wouldn’t watch it in the sickly way I do with The Lord of the
Rings with all my neck hair standing up when I see the Shire but still…this is
as far as it goes for me with sci-fi since I am a hard-core fantasy fan.
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