Now we are
really getting into the gaming with this post. Online gaming was not my sort of thing until this very MMORPG. I had been urged to try a couple of online games,
before and after LOTRO (Lord of the Rings Online) but none of them seemed
interesting enough to capture my attention and yes in that list are WoW (World
of Warcraft), AoC (Age of Conan), DDO (Dungeons and Dragons Online) as well.
But I am
not here to discuss other games. I am here to discuss LOTRO: SoA aka Shadows of
Bree at night |
It launched in North
America, Australia,
Japan and Europe on April 24,
2007, although I first played it a couple of months later. My main concern was
being sucked into the artificial world of online gaming and lose control over
it, which I did but we will get there.
Shadows of Angmar or LOTRO as it was back
then was a simplistic game (especially when compared to what it is now) with
beautiful and yet somehow realistic graphics which depicted the Middle Earth
from a romantic point of view. And when I say romantic I do not mean dinner in
candle light with the orcs and goblins. I
mean you will find the landscape mostly green (save for Angmar of course) with
lovely sights of nature. Back then the best you got was dx9 -or maybe dx10, not sure- and even
if it supported dx10 I did not have a computer which could take it so that was
what I played anyway: dx9 Very High Resolution settings. The map included a large scope different
areas and cities. The starting areas were (and still are) Ered Luin for dwarves
and elves and Bree-Land (Archet) for Hobbits and Men just for the intro after
which hobbit players are sent to the Shire for their starting quests. In SoA
every player visits Bree-Land, Lone-Lands, North Downs, Trollshaws, Evendim,
Angmar, Misty Mountains and Forochel. Every single area is huge and who by passes opportunities
to visit the famous places you read in the book or see in the movies such as
Bree, Waethertop, Rivendell, Ford Bruinen and so much more?
Forochel |
So what was my story? Mainly I got sick and
took a week off work during which time a friend of ours suggested that I should
play LOTRO free trial to give it a go. If I liked it I could purchase the game
and if not there wasn’t anything I would lose. And so I downloaded it and tried
it. Made an elf and found myself in Celondim after intro...It took my breath
away....!!! I had managed to level my character to 18 by the end of my trial
and I just knew...there was no other mmorpg for me out there. After purchasing
it, for almost a year I played it like a sick person and spent even my birthday
So what was it beyond the pretty graphics?
Well lets see, the game play was pretty much like any other mmorpg out there: 1st or 3rd person view
avatar with skills at the bottom of the screen and a levelling system through
gaining experience points from quest completions or killing mobs. The highest
level of character was 50 back then which we used to call the BIG DING.
Cooking in the Shire |
Crafting system was good too and it still
is: You can grind the materials on your own for your main crafting vocation but
for your minor vocations you would have to trade or visit the AH (The Auction
House). The prices back then were a little bit spicy as opposed to the impossibly
insane prices you see now. Crafted items (especially weapons) meant something
back then as they were the best items in the game save for (just) one or two sets which
you could attain through a raid or pvp.
The Eye of Sauron |
The questing was very enjoyable. Mainly
soloable quests and sufficient fellowship ones in every area for those who
chose to experience group play. There were really very few raids and most of them were for mainly the fun of it not for the amazingly rare equipments or the medallion drops and so on. The Rift
of Nurz Ghashu was about the only raid with tangible drops and was the only raid which offered one of the two best sets of armour in SoA. The other set was a pvp one in Ettenmoors.
The PVP was restricted to Ettenmoors (and
still is) and I cannot say much on the subject since I am not a pvp player. All
I know is that not many changes are made to the game on that score in 5 years
save for a few minor modifications.
Rivendell overlooking at The Last Homely House |
But back in the days of Shadows of Angmar
the community of LOTRO made it the best online game. Everybody was helpful,
responsive, kind and generous. Mature and friendly air filled the game
everywhere. Ninjas were few in numbers and most players were out to introduce and
teach the game rather than patronizing the newbies or those who are less
skilled in games or those who cant be bothered to obsess about playing a game
to the point of perfection.
Bree |
But that was 5 years ago. The game has come
a long way since then with enormous changes, some excellent, some awful, some
included game play, some affected the community. LOTRO is not a simplistic game
anymore nor fun to play in my opinion unless what you do is just role play
which I will mention in later posts concerning the expansions.
Shadows of Angmar was the first and the
best step into the world of Tolkien. The game play was simple and yet
challenging should you wish it. There was minimum amount of material and trait
grinding. The stories and quests were well organized and exciting. The grouping
and raiding were unvaried (and I don’t mean it as a minus but as a plus) and
the crafted items actually worked for players. The community (always played in
Laurelin so, that comment concerns only this server) was at its best behaviour
with loads of help and suggestions and the game was fun fun fun...
In later posts I will be introducing each expansion
that came out and what changes were made to the game. Which ones I liked, which
ones I disliked or hated and which ones still need working on in order for
something to come out of it. I hope you enjoyed this post and thanks for
reading it.