Use the tool or become a/the "Tool"?
So I never thought that cyborgs would be people themselves and not the products of human creativity . Whats next? Matrix? New eye balls with internet/photo-camera-video/navigation integrated in them? Are we going to go ahead and know everything about any stranger on the street soon?
I have been reading and watching a lot lately about this new technological product and I already dislike it to the point of yikes.

Anthropologically speaking, tools have always been what set humans aside in this world. Our ability to use them and improve them led to our superiority. But I am not sure this included turning ourselves into gadgets and Google Glass my @$$ is the first step into this new world.

No asteroids, no orbit fails, no ice-age, no global warming, no sun exploding into a bigillion bits and leaving us without light. We will destroy ourselves pretty well by losing our self-reliance to survive. Oh yes that will do it alright.
Human has been using his brains less and less for quite some time now but soon he will use it least when he is spoon-fed every information, even the most worthless ones. He will be a nice little shell of a body, drooling as he makes rounds and sees the world behind the layers of letter covered glasses.
How different he will be than a robot is still up for grabs.
Seriously, read "The Machine Stops".
And one more thing: Google Glass looks stupid! Anyone who wears it looks idiotic! As idiotic as Inspector Gadget.
A humanity which is already drooling all over smartphones, computers and tablets. Sure why not hand him a pair of glasses too?